Tuesday, September 11, 2012

OzAnimate's 25th Ann. GFS Animation Exhibition coverage

QCA 25th Anniversary of Animation from Ozanimate on Vimeo.

Paul Lalo, a QCA graduate and founder of 'OzAnimate', has posted up a video of the opening night of the 25th Anniversary of Griffith Film School Animation Exhibition held on Friday the 31st of August. What's rather fortunate about this video is that there's a few shots of one of the pages they picked from my art, a page from 'Soldier Legacy #3', featuring the Grandson of 'The Soldier'.

Also featured in the exhibition was an early bunch of concept art scribbles from 2009, looking for the design of 'The Soldier'.

Photographs of the screenings on Saturday, and Sunday's 'Where are they now?' Panel that I was asked to take part in, are also up to they GFS site: http://animation.griffithfilmschool.com/photos-from-sat-sun-screenings-and-presentations/ I was in awe of the calibre of animation talent at this, with past students (now experienced pros) working across a gamut of companies, from Disney, Animal Logic, Liquid, and even their own production studios. The common theme seemed to be hard work, tenacity and patience. Many of these folks took years and years to make any significant headway in their chosen profession; this is something I have to remind myself. I must reflect on the fact that I've hit a few goals in just 2 years of doing this character- succeed or fail, I just have to keep plugging away.

One of the other pieces they printed for the exhibition didn't make the walls due to space, (the Superman vs OMAC pic on the right) but was nicely given to me by the uni. Very unexpected, and I thank them very much :D I've never bothered to have any of my own images up in the house before, except for one or two to hide some bare brick space downstairs, so now with this image, I've made a small space in the corner so I can look up at them and cringe at all the glaring errors I can see. Onward ;P

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